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Recruitment of Mid-Level Managers and Specialists
“Imperia Kadrov” offers services in classic recruitment (the search and selection of mid-level managers, line managers and experts). We provide a wide range of information sources and ways of attracting candidates, including:
The warranty period of usual mid-level vacancies lasts for 3 months. Please look into our client feedback reviews. Other information may be presented upon request, in person.
To send us an inquiry or for a consultation, please contact our Development Department.
- Searching in our personal candidate database; including those who passed interviews in our firm
- Searching in private online resume databases
- Searching through social media
- Publishing of vacancies in print and electronic media
The warranty period of usual mid-level vacancies lasts for 3 months. Please look into our client feedback reviews. Other information may be presented upon request, in person.
To send us an inquiry or for a consultation, please contact our Development Department.