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Recruitment of Mid-Level Managers and Specialists

“Imperia Kadrov” offers services in classic recruitment (the search and selection of mid-level managers, line managers and experts). We provide a wide range of information sources and ways of attracting candidates, including:
  • Searching in our personal candidate database; including those who passed interviews in our firm
  • Searching in private online resume databases
  • Searching through social media
  • Publishing of vacancies in print and electronic media
The possibilities of a recruitment holding have a wide variety of advantages, including an internal “processor chain” of mid-level experts and managers, which allows to quickly process responses of potential candidates. “Imperia Kadrov” provides a guarantee for each recruitment project. In the case of arising complaints to the candidate (leading to dismissal) from the client and during the warranty period, “Imperia Kadrov” obligates to provide another search free of charge with initial candidate requirements.

The warranty period of usual mid-level vacancies lasts for 3 months. Please look into our client feedback reviews. Other information may be presented upon request, in person.

To send us an inquiry or for a consultation, please contact our Development Department.